Cherry Walker was a kind hearted 29 year old who matured mentally slower than the rest of us, but that's not to say she wasn't smart. Cherry loved everyone and everyone who met Cherry loved her. Her one joy in life, besides kids and her parents, was getting her done on Saturdays.Cherry met Kim through an upstairs neighbor who used to watch Kim's kids. Kim's youngest son started being cared for by Cherry, which most thought shouldn't be the case since Cherry is child herself, mentally. But there was one quirk about Cherry, she loved horror movies and when I say love I mean LOVED horror movies. And because she wan't mature enough to understand, she would watch these movies with Timmy, Kim's youngest child she watched.
Cherry would soon be the star witness in Kim's custody hearing and the one who could expose Kim for the rotten mother and human being she was, but Kim couldn't let this happen and would do anything to prevent Cherry from testifying. With the help a male friend, Kim killed Cherry, burned her body and left her on the side of the road.
Kim felt she was entitled to her kids just because they were her kids. But then again, Kim always had this entitlement complex her entire life. Some make chalk it up to her being adopted and this effecting her self-esteem. But after reading this book and the despicable things Kim did to her kids and people around her who disagreed with anything she wanted to do, my bet is on Kim and no one or nothing else. Kim was just born bad and no amount of counseling would cure the evil inside of her.
She lived in complete filth. Had four kids by four different men. She yelled at her kids and physically abused them. She was just down right mean to her kids and degraded them any chance she got, especially the oldest boy Brian, whom she seemed to take her aggression on since he was a baby.
When Kim's ex-husband found out Cherry was taken care of Timmy he filed for custody (it was thing along with marks he saw on the kid's body - not from Cherry but from Kim) and paid with his life. As mentioned, Kim will stop at nothing to keep her kids from being taken away from her. She would also use people for the same purpose.
Kim needed people to be character witnesses for her so she went to her high school reunion to reconnect with a few people she was friends with in high school. After the reunion, she made sure to keep up the charade with one of her friends and in doing so, she was able to get this 'friend' to lie on her behalf through letters. Soon the friend was not feeling right about what she was doing, as well as realizing she could face prison time for falsifying information (she wrote what a great mother Kim was and such when the friend had never seen Kim with her kids) and stopped helping Kim. Let's just say Kim gave the friend a tongue lashing she'll never forget.
I'm not sure what gets into people who think killing others will make things better for them. I've always wondered where does the thought of causing harm and actually causing harm to others stop for us normal folks? And where is that lined blurred for people like Kim. How did she think she wouldn't get caught in the killing of Cherry Walker? Kim was so blinded by the fact that someone was going to tell her No by way of taking her kids away, her thought process only focused on stopping the one person who could stop her and who wasn't afraid of Kim.
Cherry might have had the mind of a child but she had the heart of gold and ensuring the little boy be removed from the toxic environment (both by filth and his mother) was her goal. Cherry also wasn't afraid of Kim, which I think through Kim off her game and I think this added the need to kill Cherry for Kim.
This is another great book by Phelps. Anne Rule used to be my true crime author, but now it's Phelps. He has a way of telling stories that keeps you on the edge of your seat. His writing style puts you in the middle of everything so much so you want to warn those about to be killed or hurt.
Other books I recommend by M. William Phelps:
and his latest book Targeted: A Deputy, Her Love Affairs, A Brutal Murder (I will be doing a review of this book in about a month).
Author: M. William Phelps
Pages: 469
Publisher: Pinnicle - 28 February 2017
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